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[pm]INC = Plant Medicine INC

My life changed forever when I found out through a DNA test that I am Native-American and that my lineage traces back to central Mexico where shamanistic entheogenic healing ceremonies have taken place for centuries. The divinity revealed my calling and path. My practice is helping people uncover the potential composite being inside of them, and all the ancestral wisdom locked away through entheogenic healing ceremonies in order to transcend their human experience. This may include overcoming addiction, depression, anxiety, trauma or general dis-ease with the life around them in order to become congruent and integrated. Learn more by reading the flier below.

Your destiny awaits

Above the Clouds
Above the Clouds


Provide a safe, nurturing, and healing environment where my clients can overcome their struggles with their human existence. 

Above the Clouds


Creating peace and healing and a new, evolved consciousness for humanity through Entheogenic Healing

Above the Clouds
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