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The Journey begins

<BACKGROUND> I grew up with a love for animals, which still exists today. Unfortunately that love was consistently tested in the form of routinely losing them in horrible accidents. One of my first memories was of my mother's cat getting torn to death by the neighbor's dog. In a systematic and repeated order, every 12-18 months I would see each one of my beloved furry friends met tragic and untimely deaths. My first cat was run over and legs were crushed. I was told, at age 8, if I worked hard with her every day she would be healed and walk again. This of course was not true and impossible, as she had gangrene and spinal cord was damaged and legs were crushed beyond repair. By not healing her, I carried immeasurable guilt and sadness with me since age 8. The adults at this time told me "get over it, I lived on a farm when I was a kid and animals died all the time, quit being so damn sensitive!" So I stuffed it all (which unknowingly became my default method for dealing with things), each time I had to say goodbye to my childhood companions, moved on into adulthood to be an adult like the rest of us. Unaware of the psychic debt that was accumulating…


Fast forward 39 years to March 2019. It took me a full year of studying and soul searching before I had the courage to try an Entheogenic Healing Ceremony.


I took the medicine. The Shaman did her thing, blessing me, calling on Mother for healing. And she came. Boy did she ever.


The music that was playing changed to what I can only describe as rhythmic flute, like a Pied Piper type of rhythm. In my journey, the Shaman appeared in the celestial expanse. She looked frustrated, and looked down at the cosmos and said, "C'mon guys it's time to go, C'MON let's GO!!" as if whatever that was supposed to happen was long, long overdue. She turned and started walking into the expanse, moving with the music of the flutes… when slowly, out of the expanse, each one of my dead pets came marching out, happy, healthy, beautiful. THEY WERE SO HAPPY! And safe, and unhurt, still with me, still a part of me. They were smiling and dancing to the music as they marched behind the Shaman. I began to bawl uncontrollably with tears of joy. WHEN ALL OF THE SUDDEN a huge stadium popped up around them! It was full of people cheering and applauding, giving them the celebration and appreciation they never got. It was the most unbelievable, miraculous and healing experience you could ever imagine. I get teary eyed just thinking about it.


The 8 year old boy living inside of me, so hurt and confused, for the first time in 39 years, stopped crying. He felt safety and love and that his beloved friends are still with him existing in the life force energy that surrounds us all, safe and happy. For the first time in 39 years, the pain that I didn’t even know was still there, was gone. A lightness, a peace, a freedom, and untold strength washed over me. I have never been the same. No counseling, no medication, no fellowship could ever give me the peace, healing, and closure that I received that day. The experience was as real as you reading this post right now.


How did the medicine know that is what I needed? That is the miracle of the Mother, the true divinity. She knows what you need, what all of us need. What a miracle. And this was only one of the many life changing experiences I have had through Entheogenic healing, each one compounding off the previous in the form healing, higher order intelligence, and transcendence. The most amazing part of this story, is this medicine is available for free, provided by mother nature, available to us all.

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