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Soul surgery

After the first ceremony, I spent the next year living into my new life with core wounds healed, experiencing a freedom and peace I had never felt before. Truly a liberation. It was so profound I continued to research this domain with a zealousness I have never experienced. I put together a Program for me to follow the next time I needed the medicine,  based on all the scientific research that I was studying and the teachings from the psychedelic elder that I was apprenticing under.


May 2020, my second Plant Medicine Healing ceremony. This is what I call soul surgery.


More healing and transcendence than I have experienced in my entire life, which has consisted of trying nearly every healing modality for the last 30 years from cognitive behavioral therapy,  bio-neuro feedback, meditating with the monks, and every self-help book on the market.


This journey was most pain I've ever felt in my life. In my journey I was surrounded by the scenes of every time in my life that I didn’t honor, love or respect myself and every destructive choice I had made that affected me or others. And there were many. I call it debt, and it was time to finally pay it all off.   I was reaching out to all these scenes from my past, and grabbing them and integrating them into me, making me whole. Truly accepting them. What you see in the picture is where I held myself as a six-month old baby, destroyed by the fact that I hurt him so many times because I was controlled by fear, ignorance and pain. How could I ever put substances into this innocent little baby? Our bodies are such miracles, and I was shown just how miraculous and sacred our bodies and lives are.  I don't have children, so holding myself as a baby in the journey was so profound, just imagine the power that it gave me to want to protect myself like you parents want to protect your children.


 I've been open about my path and been scoffed at by many folks I had considered friends, calling this the "easier, softer way" or "snake-oil". I risked everything to try this path. I can tell you folks this is the hardest thing you will ever do, but the end result is freedom from pain that you have shoved away for decades, freeing you to become the person you were meant to be. My only regret is being controlled by fear and ignorance for so long, which kept me from this much needed medicine, which when used properly has healed me and can heal the planet.


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