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Curious about this domain? Read about the revolution that is taking place. 

  1. Russell Brand’s insight on this and here are some great videos where he breaks down why psychedelics are illegal and the inevitable revolution that is about to take place.

    1. “We WANT You Sick!” The REAL Reason Psychedelics Are Banned” - YouTube

    2. Is THIS the Real Reason Psychedelics Are Illegal? - YouTube

    3. Is THIS Why We Were Lied To About Psychedelics?! - YouTube

    4. Folks in recovery should know how AA and the concept of a higher power were created (Bill W. received physician-lead LSD treatments). Although LSD is not my domain, the concept is the same:LSD could help alcoholics stop drinking, AA founder believed | Drugs | The Guardian


Great introductory book “How to change your mind” by Michael Pollan. He is a fantastic investigative journalist who you might remember as the guy from the 2000s that blew the lid of the food industry (Food Inc. the Omnivores dilemma). This book is a great end to end explanation of entheogens, the history, the current state, where it’s going, what it does to your brain ect. If you can’t read the book watch London Real interview MICHAEL POLLAN - PSYCHEDELICS - HOW TO CHANGE YOUR MIND Part 1/2 | London Real


Another great book about our relationship with "Drugs" This Is Your Mind on Plants - Michael Pollan Michael Pollan . Tim Ferriss podcast with Michael Pollan Michael Pollan — This Is Your Mind on Plants | The Tim Ferriss Show



Great video from Vice about the history and future of psilocybin The Battle Over Psychedelic Therapy’s Future


Good (but very high-level) article from Time Magazine on the many therapeutic uses for psilocybin: Magic Mushrooms for Depression: New Study Shows Promising Results | Time


People with questions about “effects” of psilocybin should watch this one closely. Great clip on effects of psilocybin from scientific research. Interview citing research from Dr Griffiths, (head researcher at John Hopkins) on one psilocybin experience "A single Psilocybin trip" Jordan Peterson talks about Dr Roland Griffith's research - YouTube


Great short clip from Dr. Rhonda Patrick interviewing Dr. Griffiths, the head researcher for psilocybin at John Hopkins medical. Can Psilocybin Treat Depression? - YouTube


Jordan Peterson interviews Dr. Griffiths, the head researcher for psilocybin at John Hopkins medical: The Psychology of Psychedelics | Roland Griffiths - Jordan B Peterson Podcast - S4 E20 - YouTube


Clinical Trials Psilocybin Clinical Trial for Depression Launches at Pacific Neuroscience Institute (


Article on human and fungi DNA: How Are Mushrooms More Similar to Humans than Plants? » Science ABC


Great interview from MAPS with Dr. Roland Griffiths, around mystical experiences, anxiety, and dealing with death using psilocybin: Johns Hopkins Psilocybin Studies and the Religious Experience: An Interview with Roland Griffiths, Ph.D. - Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies - MAPS

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